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Inspiring Change, One Habit at a Time

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Work with Gina 

Gina is available for:

  • Keynote presentations

  • Workshops

  • Brand partnerships

  • Media campaigns

  • Panel moderation or participation

  • Content/program creation

Watch Dr. Gina In Action 

Optimise your team's habits with these keynotes:

Or work with Gina to create a bespoke keynote for your team.

Dr. Gina Cleo keynote speaker.jpg

Download Gina's Speaker Kit

Dr Gina Cleo - speaker Kit.png
“Dr. Cleo is really engaging, even with an online event. It was wonderful working with her.” 

Rebecca Hammond, Head of Development 

Assistant Insurance Advisernet


Let's create something wonderful!

To book Gina for your next event or project, please get in touch:

Thanks so much for your interest!

I will respond to your message soon.

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