Is this the year you're finally going to start meditating regularly, cut out processed sugar and save for that holiday?
If only you had enough willpower or self-control to see that plan through, right?
Wrong! A big misconception with willpower is the idea that if we're just a little stricter with ourselves, if we can just be a little harder on ourselves, if we whip ourselves into shape, we'll be able to achieve our goals. But the opposite is actually true.
We've all been told that willpower is the key to achieving our goals. Whether it's sticking to a diet, exercising regularly, or completing that important work project, we believe that if we just muster enough willpower, success is within our grasp. But what if I told you that willpower, while important, is not the be-all and end-all of achieving long-term success?
Enter the concept of ego-depletion, a psychological phenomenon that challenges the idea of unlimited willpower.
Understanding Ego-Depletion
Ego-depletion is the idea that willpower is a finite resource that can be depleted with use. In one famous study, participants who had to resist eating freshly baked chocolate chip cookies gave up more quickly on a subsequent unsolvable puzzle than those who didn't face the temptation. This suggests that exerting willpower in one domain can lead to decreased willpower in another, unrelated domain.
Ego-depletion is not limited to resisting temptations. It can manifest in various ways in our daily lives, such as making poor food choices after a mentally exhausting day at work or being less patient with loved ones when you're stressed. It's a phenomenon that affects all of us to some extent.
The Limited Willpower Model
Think of willpower like a muscle. It can get tired and fatigued with use and the more we use it, the more exhausted it gets. Making numerous decisions, resisting temptations, having a poor nights' sleep or dealing with stress can deplete your willpower reserves. This means that as the day goes on or as you face more decisions, stressors and temptations, your ability to exercise self-control diminishes. It's why you may find it easier to say no to dessert in the morning but give in to it after a long, challenging day.
Things That Impact Willpower

What Does That Mean For Achieving Our Goals?
Understanding ego-depletion has significant implications for our approach to achieving our goals. If we rely solely on willpower to achieve our long-term goals, we're setting ourselves up for potential failure. This is especially evident in the case of New Year's resolutions or strict diets, which often fizzle out within a few days or weeks due to the depletion of willpower.
It's crucial to recognise that ego-depletion can lead to setbacks and frustration in our pursuit of goals. The more we rely on willpower alone, the more susceptible we are to giving in to short-term temptations and deviating from our long-term plans. But, YOU are not the problem and you absolutely are not a failure; you've just been trying to use a depleted resource.
Strategies to Overcome Ego-Depletion
So, what can we do to overcome the limitations of willpower and ego-depletion? Here are some practical strategies:
1. Prioritise: Focus on a few essential goals at a time to conserve willpower and mental energy.
2. Create Habits: Habits don't need willpower or self-control because they are automatic behaviours, so embrace the power of habits and reduce the need for willpower.
3. Plan and Prepare: Plan ahead and have strategies in place for challenging situations.
4. Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself when setbacks occur, and avoid self-criticism.
5. Practice Mindfulness & Stress Management: Practice stress reduction techniques, like meditation, yoga, or non-sleep deep rest to conserve willpower and maintain focus on your goals.
6. Design an Environment For Success: Modify your environment to make desired behaviours easier and less reliant on willpower. Prepare your breakfast the night before; have fruit cut up and at eye-level in the fridge; place 'occasional' food in hard-to-reach places; place your walking shoes next to your bed so you're one less decision to going on your morning walk; etc.
Willpower is undeniably valuable, but it's not the only tool in our toolbox for long-term success. Understanding ego-depletion and its effects can help us adopt a more holistic approach to achieving our goals.
By combining strategies to mitigate ego-depletion, embracing the power of habits, and designing an environment for success, we can increase our chances of achieving a win. So, let's leave behind the myth of unlimited willpower and embrace a more effective path to long-term success.